Sunday, September 17, 2006

An Intro

I've been finding myself not being able to focus properly on quiet times of any sort and I'm finding it hard to sit down at the times that I said I would to do a quiet time, yet the conundrum I find myself facing is that I find myself with plenty of time to do other things, like... blog... or watch movies... etc.

So, I decided to mix one of those other things with quiet times and here is the result... blog QTing. I'm sure that it is not a revolutionary idea by any long shot... and I won't be posting EVERY little intricate detail that I come up with (particularly if I'm going through a rough time, this will not be a place where I air out my dirty laundry.) Mostly what you will see on this blog is thoughts, questions, and musings, as well as findings from commentaries and other sources about questions that I have as I read through certain passages of Scripture. I will intersperse it with some personal reflections about things as well as ways that I plan to try and apply the Scripture to my life. So if you're reading this, then please, keep me accountable to the things that I post here.

Thank you, and I hope that you let me know if you think I'm going off on any heretical tangents.


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