Monday, September 25, 2006

Psalm 60-63

For no particular reason have I chosen to begin at 60. I've just started at 1 and gone back to it too many times. I wanted to read something new.

The link: Psalm 60-63

Psalm 60:11-12 : My enemy right now? Intellectual musings. I've been reading a lot of very interesting but very intellectually, philosophically, and theologically challenging things (Michael Spencer, Fides Quaerens Intellectum) and though it has engaged my mind, it has also seriously drained me. This leads me to question whether reading these blogs have actually been edifiying or not. Am I attempting to use the "help of man" to grow spiritually, or am I getting so engaged in the intellectual side of my spirituality, that I forget that my godliness must be focused on... well God. Consider 1 Timothy 2:2b, "that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." Am I attempting to derive my godliness and holiness from philosophy and bloggings of others when I should be turning to the Word?

Psalm 61:4 : Oh how I long to dwell in the LORD's tent forever indeed. Oh how I tire of this earth, of the people of this earth, of my sinful nature and the battle with it every day, and of the imperfect knowledge of humans leading to this and that views of who God is, how he saves, what he means by this phrase in this book or that phrase in that book. Protect me from those that would lead me astry LORD, save me from the trap of trusting in the inadequacy of human reasoning and philosophy and speculation. Then will I ever sing praise to your name and fulfill my vows day after day. (Psalm 61:8 - note: called the vow to praise. Expanded upon in the note of my Study Bible to Psalm 7:17 which says essentially that the vow to praise was given in anticipation of the expected answer to prayer. Springing from Isreal's religious consciousness that praise must follow deliverance as surely as prayer springs from need if God is to be truly honoured.)

Psalm 62:1-2 ; 5-8 : Recently I questioned someone's stance regarding the idea of being able to lose your salvation. I hold the view that no your salvation cannot be lost. Because of the above verses, especially in verse 7 "My salvation and my honour depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge." If my salvation were to depend on me and what I decided, I would be very afraid indeed. Very afraid. But instead my salvation depends on the solid rock that is my God and I take comfort and refuge in him. I quiet the inner recesses of my mind that clamour to seek and demand philosophical and human reasonings and instead let the presence of God fill my inner being and quiet me. Perhaps these reasoning justifications exist and perhaps they edify others. But my search for them has only befuddled, confused, and drained me. It has not edified me and I concern myself with it no longer.

Psalm 63:1-5 : In nothing else do I find satisfaction but in reading such words. Nowhere else will my thirst be quenched. Nothing else will fill the longing of my body. After having seen God in his glory, after having tasted of his Holy Spirit, after having shared in his work and kingdom, I can neither praise, worship, nor be filled with anything else. "I will praise you as long as I love, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." (v. 4-5) I have foolishly been seeking fulfillment and validation in other areas and from other people... and although such thoughts have not left me, I have decided to set them aside for now, as it is distracting me from continuing to grow in the LORD and in my pursuit of a deeper relationship with him instead of helping it. Once my idea of an external relationship can properly develop to that extent, then I will once again open my eyes to such considerations as I have been considering.

Prayer: LORD forgive me, for I have sought other ways to fulfill the deep longings of my soul. I have forgotten how you have laughed at and befuddled human reasoning by sending Christ on the cross. I have forgotten that it is only you and by remaining in your refuge that I can be recharged... refreshed. It is like coming upon an oasis after a walk in the desert. May I rest in you and be fully restored that I may be a testimony to you to others when I must venture out into the desert to bring people to the oasis. May I be a well in the desert which others come to drink of the water that will make us never thirsty again, but not growing proud of this but always thanking you that your purpose and kingdom is being built here on earth, and that your will is being done here on earth as it is in heaven, in my life and in others. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN.


At 10:14 AM, Blogger amac said...

Nice Jon, on the vien of growing deeper with Christ, I heard a sermon on Sunday about that. Mark 8, when Jesus feeds the four thousand, then gets into a boat and the disciples worry about having only one loaf of bread, and JC says, "Do you not understand?"

He's our ONE loaf. He's our sustainance, and he cares about every area of our lives.

I'm enjoying this blog, i've almost stopped goign to other blogs...

Oh yeah, I think you should still go to intellectually stimulating blogs.. just not so often


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