Tuesday, October 10, 2006

1 TImothy 3:1-13

1 Timothy 3 (ESV) 1 Timothy 3 (NIV) 1 Timothy 3 (KJV)

ESV is for Andrew because I know that's what he prefers. NIV and KJV are my two favoured versions, therefore why they are above. If none of these are to your fancy, Biblegateway has a neat drop box that lets you choose from a myriad of different versions. So much selection...

1 Timothy 3 is the standard leadership chapter. It opens with "if anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task." (v1)

There are two types of leaders that Paul talks about in this chapter, the overseer and the deacon. Clearly he's talking of church leadership, but there are certainly principles to be derived from this to be applied in my personal life.

For the overseer, Paul says that he must be above reproach, husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkeness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. Few other points that Paul brings up is that he must be able to properly manage his family, not be a recent convert, and have good reputation with outsiders so he will not fall into disgrace.

I remember at the church that I used to go to (Westside Prebyterian Church), they made up these contracts for anyone serving in a position of leadership to sign saying that they will not drink, participate in coarse joking, and many other things. That is certainly one way to go, and a very honourable one in my belief. At the same time, just as accountability software does not change the internal attitudes of the heart re: lust and sexual temptation on the internet, neither does a piece of paper saying that I will not do these things cause a change of heart either. These charecteristics must be from the Spirit, and indeed the list of things that an overseer must be mirrors the fruit of the Spirit found in Galations 5:22-23 quite closely.

Deacons have a very similar list, but there are some differences, that I wonder about. Deacons are to be tested before being allowed to serve as deacons (v10) (this verse following on the heels of the command that they must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience makes me think that the test is about the deep truths of the faith that Paul mentions in v. 9.) Paul also makes mention of the deacons wives being of similar character. I wonder as to whether there is a particular reason for this extra list of things for deacons.

But those are semantics that I can worry about later; what really concerns me is how I can conform myself according to the image of God such that I would be a pleasing overseer or deacon for him. For clearly I am not temperate, nor self-controlled. I can be very violent if I want to be and quarrelsomeness seems to run in my veins. How am I to even come close to being an overseer of God's work in the church?

By God's grace and gift of his Son and Holy Spirit. For there is none that is truly all of those things, but only through the Holy Spirit can one even begin to match up to those things. Funny that so soon after returning from summit where I made a recent revelation about the Spirit filled life in that when one is filled with the Spirit the desires of the sinful nature are completely crowded out, I come to this passage of Scripture talking about a very practical example of someone that should be filled with the fruit of the Spirit. Earlier, I mentioned that oftentimes God likes to remind you of the same thing over and over again. In my case, it may be because I listen with one ear and then oftentimes let it go out the other or get filed into the backlog of thigns to do or character traits to fix. It's definately something that I haven't been working on and is an excellent reminder for me to continue to breathe spiritually and be filled with the Holy Spirit moment by moment, depending on his strength to get me through the temptations and struggles of the day.

Paul ends on a very interesting note, and I think it deserves a reflection all on its own, (even though it's only 3 verses).

Prayer: Thank you LORD for the reminder that I need to live by your Spirit if I'm going to be a pleasing and effective servant in the work that you desire to see done here on Earth. Continue to prod me moment by moment to release my anger and impatience that often plauge me; I pray that this anger and impatience will be converted into peace and joy by the grace and power of your Holy Spirit. Empower me and strengthen me as I go through this week and this month, that is particularly busy with school work and other things, and that while putting forth my best efforts on these things, that it would not cause me to lose sight of the bigger picture.
I pray all these things in Jesus name,

Then will I ever sing praise to your name and fulfill my vows day after day.
-Psalm 61:8


At 11:47 PM, Blogger amac said...

'Lord I pray that I your Holy Spirit might change me as well. Take this shyness and idolotry of man, these poor shallow devotionals, and worried days away from me. Fill them with a zeal for God and people's salvation, a yearning for knowledge of You, and victorious days. In Jesus' name, Amen.'


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